Achieving a well integrated, optimal performing transport infrastructure network in Europe is a key element in the White Paper on Transport’s overall ambition for a single European Transport Area in 2050.
The Coordination and Support Action AM4INFRA aims to overcome the legacy of European transport networks under which they have been developed incrementally (and mostly fragmented) over time within the specific setting of mode and country under various policies and service levels. Building on ongoing bottom-up actions, best practices and contemporary experiences of four National Infrastructure Agencies that are considered frontrunners in the development and application of asset management in their networks governance, it will deliver the first ever common European asset management framework approach that enables consistent and coherent cross-asset, cross-modal and cross-border decision making in the context of the White Paper on Transport.
Latest news related to AM4INFRA
The Innovations of AM4INFRA
- To provide National Infrastructure Agencies (NIAs) with insight to how asset management practices would support the development of network management strategy, adoption of decision making processes, operational requirements and how asset knowledge can be uitilised;
- To provide NIAs with a common, practical framework for a life cycle and risk based Asset Management approach capable of governance on the highest aggregation level of (cross-modal) network considerations;
- To enable NIAs in acquiring meaningful data and sharing knowledge and good practices to achieve “learning by doing” and continuous improvement of the operations....
Events related to AM4INFRA
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Facts & Figures
Full name: Asset Management Approach for transport infrastructure networks
Acronym: AM4INFRA
Duration: 24 months
Start date: 1 September 2016
Total budget: 1,499 M€
EC Funding: 100 %
The consortium consists of 8 partners from 9 different European countries.
Partners about
"Rijkswaterstaat’ mission is to cooperating to promote safety, mobility and the quality of life in the Netherlands. Managing and developing the main road network, the main waterway network and the main water systems and endeavouring to create a ..." Read more
"Highways England is required to develop, maintain and implement an asset management policy and strategy, taking into account the best practice approach to managing the lifecycle of its assets. AM4INFRA supports our Asset Management Strategy and represents an exciting step..." Read more
CEDR - Conference of European Directors of Roads
AM4INFRA is supported by the CEDR, in particular Task Group N2 on Asset Management. The AM4INFRA consortium has been assigned the lead to develop concrete tools and procedures that the Task Group can elaborate on in view of their NIA constituencies. The Task Group will serve as a soundboard on the content of the results.