
Quote WI

“The planning and provision of transport infrastucture today is related to a broad range of societal demands from beyond its traditional realm. These comprise its potential for mittigating GHG emissions... Read more

Quote TII

“Transport Infrastructure Ireland is delighted to be a member of the AM4Infra infrastructure project. It provides us with the opportunities to engage, contribute, assimilate and learn from and with our... Read more

Quote RWS

“Rijkswaterstaat’ mission is to cooperating to promote safety, mobility and the quality of life in the Netherlands. Managing and developing  the main road network, the main waterway network and the... Read more

Quote HE

“Highways England is required to develop, maintain and implement an asset management policy and strategy, taking into account the best practice approach to managing the lifecycle of its assets.  AM4INFRA... Read more


“Maintaining more than 5 trillion kms of road is a real challenge. Adding to this, responding to the needs for seamless mobility of passengers and freight requires introducing innovation into... Read more


“Among the top 20 research centers in Europe, in terms of participation in EC sponsored research projects.”

Quote ANAS

“ANAS is very proud to participate in the AM4INFRA project and to take part in the sharing, among valuable partners across Europe, of specific Asset Management skills and experiences. The... Read more