The AM4INFRA team is organising three webinars over the next two months.
Webinars on Living Labs
The AM4INFRA project is building a common framework for a European life-cycle based asset management approach for transport infrastructure. To embed and verify elements of the framework approach into real life scenarios and practices and to learn from this reality over time, the Living Labs concept has been chosen.
This webinar series will present the results of the three Living Labs set up by AM4INFRA.
The webinars will last an hour and a half and will include:
- An introduction to the scope of the Living Labs
- Execution of the Living Labs i.e. key issues that were validated
- Outcome of the Living Labs
1st Webinar on Living Lab A90 Rome
The webinar will present the results of the Living Lab A90 Rome and will take place on
Thursday 8th February 2018 at 10h00 CET.
Register now!
2nd Webinar on Living Lab E34 Eindhoven
The webinar will present the results of the Living Lab E34 Eindhoven and will take place on
on Thursday 1st March 2018 at 10h00 CET.
Register now!
3rd Webinar on Living Lab M4 London
The webinar will present the results of the Living Lab M4 London and will take place on
on Tuesday 20th March 2018 at 10h00 CET.
Register now!
Interested, but no time to attend?
Register anyway, we’ll send you a direct link to the recording afterwards!