Formed in 1989 as the Forum of European National Highway Research Laboratories, FEHRL provides a structure for the coordination of road and transport infrastructure research. Comprising members from over thirty European nations and international affiliates from USA, Australia, Israel and South Africa, FEHRL’s aim is to encourage collaborative research and knowledge transfer as well as to provide relevant knowledge and advice to governments, the European Commission, the road industry and road users on related technologies and policies. Through the national groups established in many countries, the national research centres are complemented by a dozen universities and RTOs. FEHRL will lead WP4 (Replication, Dissemination, and Communication). Dissemination and communication being among its core activities, FEHRL has served as dissemination and communication manager in a large number of projects where it disseminated project results to a wide range of stakeholders, including national road authorities (about a third of FEHRL’s members are national road authorities).
To the website of FEHRL
Third parties:
ZAG is the leading Slovenian Institute in the field of building and civil engineering. Its research and testing sector is divided up into four departments: materials, building physics, structures, and geotechnics and infrastructure, it also has its own department for metrology. Through high-quality work it successfully promotes the progress-orientated Slovenian applied science and technical expertise on a global scale. Our research is focused on the development of new materials and technologies that will help ensure sustainable development in Slovenia, as well as being of importance for the worldwide community. Participation in international projects (EU Framework Programs, Horizon 2020, EUREKA, LIFE, COST, CEDR) makes it possible for ZAG’s researchers to be in contact and share knowledge with top research groups from around the world.
ZAG’s main activities include: fundamental and applied research in the fields of building materials and structures; development of new methods of testing and measurement; certification and attestation of conformity of products, materials and executed works; training of research and technical staff in particular technical fields; participation in the preparation of technical codes and standards. ZAG is involved in the international co-operation in science and technology with institutions from the EU, the USA and other countries. It is also active in several international associations including FEHRL (National Road Research Centres in Partnership), CEDR (Conference of European Directors of Roads), PIARC (World Road Association), UIC (International Union of Railways) and EURNEX (European rail research network of excellence).
To the website of ZAG
The AIT Austrian Institute of Technology takes a leading position in the Austrian innovation system and a key role in Europe as the RTO focusing on key infrastructure topics of the future. AIT’s Mobility Department covers those areas of research which are integral to a holistic view of the mobility system. This pool of expertise enables AIT to address a wide range of emerging topics. Within the Transportation Infrastructure Technologies Business Unit the focus lies on research on safe, efficient and environmentally sustainable structuring of transport infrastructure.