CERTH is a leading research center in Greece conducting specialized basic and applied research and offering high quality services in several fields. It is a non-profit private status legal entity supervised by the General Secretariat for Research and Technology (GSRT) of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs. HIT is one of CERTH’s five (5) Institutes, devoted to the promotion and execution of transport research in Greece and beyond. Its main mission is to provide state-of-the-art research and create innovation in the field of transport at a national, European and international level covering issues relating to the operation, planning and development of infrastructure; standardization; economic analysis; vehicle technology; impact assessment of land, maritime, air, and multimodal transport services; training and education activities in related fields; dissemination of research activities; and representation of Greece in relevant scientific bodies. CERTH/HIT is located in new, state-of-the-art facilities and is equipped with laboratories and modern research equipment and infrastructure including mobile labs, high-tech equipped vehicles, simulators and data management portals. With the active support of its administrative, financial and legal units, CERTH/HIT has successfully participated over the last 13 years both as coordinator and as partner, in more than 200 research projects focusing, among other fields, on transport policy, transportation infrastructure management and operations, sustainable transport infrastructure and services. CERTH/HIT had 40 active transnational and national research activities in 2015 involving large consortia of multinational and multidisciplinary teams, as well as managing smaller teams of experts with diverse background working on research and development projects. Research team members have worked on projects funded by the European Commission, the European Regional Development Fund, Greek Ministries, as well as US and Latin American Organizations. Within its researchers and research associates, there exist strong emphasis, specialization and expertise in areas relevant to the project, such as: 1) Sustainability of transport systems, 2) Transport policy and planning, 3) Infrastructure management, 4) ICT applications in transportation, 5) Intelligent transport infrastructure, and 6) Energy and environment.
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