Project partner CERTH published an article in May on the AM4INFRA project in Magazine of the Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers.
Please find the complete article here (in greek).
A short summary:
“Common Framework for a European Life Cycle based Asset Management Approach for transport infrastructure networks”
AM4INFRA project is a coordination and support action (CSA) funded by the H2020 programme with the aim to enable transparent, risk-based optimization of investments within and across the modes. The overall objective of this CSA is to launch a life cycle and risk based Asset Management (AM) framework approach enabling effective governance of transport infrastructure networks across Europe.
- Support the infrastructure authorities in their decision making and planning as identifying the priorities on basis of (remaining) cost-performance and service levels
- Innovate the decision making by the authorities to the extent that the hinder on traffic is optimized on the basis of transparent, coherent and consistent considerations that can be better communicated to society
- Offer new knowledge for enhancing the effectiveness of the transport sector
Working team:
- AM4INFRA Partners
CERTH/ΗΙΤ participates to the following subtasks:
- Identification and classification of principles and methods to optimize investments and action beyond singular modalities
- Development of a high-level and comprehensive AM framework of transportation networks
- Design of the Living lab working methods and outcome requirements