AM4INFRA | Final Conference at TRA2018

The AM4INFRA consortium cordially invites you to the AM4INFRA Final Event on Wednesday 18th April 2018 at Transport Research Arena 2018 (TRA2018) in Vienna, Austria!

The Final Conference will effectively be held in two consecutive sessions with identical agendas, in order to enable you to choose the one most convenient in relation to the rest of your TRA2018 schedule.

You will have a great opportunity to get an overview of the AM4INFRA project, and its (draft) results that constitute a common framework approach for asset management on transport infrastructures that is cross asset, cross modal and cross border. The event will also present the outcomes of the three Living Labs: ROME, EINDHOVEN and LONDON, in which the common framework approach was verified. Also, the agenda includes information about the plans for a Community of Practice and recommendations for the replication of the common framework across the TEN-T network.

Date – 18th April 2018
Time – 1st session from 8.45 AM – 10.00 AM
2nd session from 10:30 AM – 12.00 PM
Venue – Gallery B in the room “Lounge 1-4”, Reed Messe Wien GmbH, Messeplatz 1, P.O.Box 277, A-1021 Vienna, Austria

Please register for the event here.

Registration to the TRA2018 (a 1-day or 4-day ticket) event is required to participate in this event. See for more details on registration to TRA2018.

Please find the agenda here

Interested but unable to attend?
Please follow via web streaming at or  join the webinar on Thursday, 3rd May 2018 from 10.00-11.30AM at:

For more details on AM4INFRA, see the website, watch the first AM4INFRA video and the second AM4INFRA video, the preliminary results (available from 12th April) or contact the Dissemination and Communication leader Adewole Adesiyun (mail to: [email protected]).

The AM4INFRA consortium looks forward to meeting you there!